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Friend or Foe?? July 3, 2010

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We have all experienced some form of what has become known as a ‘Frenemie’……

Can you tell the difference?  Here’s a few things to keep in mind, when you need to know the differences.

5 Ways to Spot Frenemies

Compliments Have Degrading Overtones

When our friend compliments us, are their words riddled with barely-veiled insults that end up cutting us down instead of making us feel good? For example: women are jealous of and threatened by all other women, including their female friends. Their way of responding to this threat is to make the other women around them feel “less than.” If we hear comments such as “You don’t look as big in that dress” or “Your hair is cuter than you usually wear it” from your “friend,” we can be sure they don’t have our best interests at heart. No matter how sweet-toned their voices or how big their smiles, their words are meant to hurt, and at the same time, to make themselves feel better at the expense or our self-confidence.

Is a People-User

Does a particular friend always need something from us, but is mysteriously unavailable the minute we need a favor? Do we feel exhausted when we see that our friend is calling again, because we know it will invariably concern something else they need? Genuine friendships are reciprocal and characterized by a healthy give-and-take, so we need to watch out for one-sided relationships that drain us instead of supporting us.

A Disloyal Flirt

Having a big flirt for a friend is one thing, but when their behavior knows no boundaries and they are shamelessly hitting on our ex and current relationships alike, we need to seriously reconsider their loyalty as our friend. Anyone who would make a pass at our mate, even an ex, without discussing it with us first, is obviously only looking out for number one and has no consideration whatsoever for our feelings.

A Grudge-Holder

We all need to stick up for ourselves when someone is disrespecting us, but it’s important to make our peace and move on. Some people simply can’t do this and end up behaving eternally catty and spiteful to every person they believe has done them wrong. Usually, people like this are quick to judge and equally quick to go to the mats where dirty fighting is the rule and psychological carnage is the result. Our best strategy is to avoid these nightmarish individuals before they eventually come gunning for us.

Is Two-Faced

A good friendship is composed of trust and honesty, where each friend can be the other’s confidante. If our friend is sharing our secrets with others or insulting us behind our backs, we can be sure they are not really our friend. The important issue about people with big mouths and petty personalities is that they usually get caught spouting their disloyalties sooner rather than later, in which case we can dump these surface friendships quicker than you can say “frenemie.”

Dissatisfied and Satisfied employees… June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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An impact in the workplace is the differences between the dissatisfied and satisfied employees.

Exit = behavior directed toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position as well as resigning.

Voice = Actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors and some forms of union activity.

Loyalty = Passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and its management to “do the right thing.”

Neglect = Passively allowing conditions to worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate.

These are also classified in terms of the exit-voice-loyalty-neglect framework. There are consequences to dissatisfaction within the job. There are two-dimensions: the constructive/destructive and the active/passive, all explained above.

A new concept…… June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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It’s called ‘Employee Engagement’…

This is defined as an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with and enthusiasm for, the work they provide or do.

These types of individuals actually reflects higher-average levels of engagement, had higher levels of customer satisfaction and were more productive, bringing in higher profits and lower turnover or accidents.

This s a fairly new concept, but it also relates well with other concepts.

Did you know about ‘POS’?? June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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I thought that was lingo related to just one thing or object, like a point of sale machine.

Unfortunately, there’s actually a job attitude called POS = Perceived Organizational Support

This is a level for which employees believe their employer values their contribution and cares about their well-being.  Most companies don’t.  Some actually do in a big way.

The concept of Commitment… June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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It may be less important nowadays to both the employers and employees. The loyalty that existed more than 30-yrs ago has been severely damaged and in most instances severed completely. The thought of an employee staying with a single employer is increasingly becoming obsolete..

This suggests that Organizational Commitment is probably less important as a work-related attitude. We are leaning towards more of an Occupational Commitment, as it better reflects today’s workplace.

Separate dimensions of Organizational Commitment June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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WOW!!  this is amazing stuff.  Just have to share.

  1. Affective Commitment = an emotional attachment to the organization and a belief in its values.
  2. Continuance Commitment = perceived economic value of remaining with an organization compared to leaving it.
  3. Normative Commitment = obligation to remain with the organization for moral or ethical reasons.

Job Attitudes… June 21, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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Three attitudes:

  1. Job Satisfaction
  2. Job Involvement
  3. Organizational Commitment

Job satisfaction is defined as a positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

Job Involvement measures the degree to which people identify psychologically with their job and consider their perceived performance level to self-worth.

Also, Psychological empowerment plays into an employee’s beliefs to a degree to which they impact their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job and the perceived autonomy in their work.

Finally, the Organizational committment: which is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.

The Components of an Attitude June 21, 2010

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They are not in any specific order, but they correllate to each other and can be intertwined.

Cognitive = evaluation

Example: My supervisor gave a promotion to a coworker who deserved it less than me. My supervisor is unfair.

When you see things this way it is because you’re in a cognitive mode of an attitude or your attitude, you’re evaluating.

Affective component = meaning feeling

For example: I dislike my supervisor!

We’ve all been down that road in one aspect of our career paths or even along our job experiences.

Finally, there’s the Behavioral = meaning the action of the attitude.

For example: I’m looking for other work; I’ve complained about my supervisor to anyone who would listen.

Now, we have all done this in one form or another.  We cannot deny this.  this is part of human nature and is only being addressed to display such.

Keep in mind that sometimes the Behavioral and Affective component can be intertwined or has been. Affective and Cognitive can also do the same, along with Cognitive and Behavioral.

Each of the components are the attitude which shows negativity.  One thing we all musn’t dwell or swim too long in. Most managers have to analyze and review everyone’s level of experience, attitudes and even motivations to determine what is best for the company or team, not what is best for an individual.  It has nothing to do and should have nothing to do with your personal relationships, whether internally or externally from the job. Know when to separate.

Managers need to use extreme caution when going outside of their work place as well, so as not to seem like they’re playing favorites or backstabbing.

Homeowners who strategically default on their mortgages June 12, 2010

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Defaults, Foreclosures – what’s the difference these days. It’s still going to show-up on your credit report, negatively. It’s to be expected, many of us have gone through it in one point or another.  But these are the biggest blunders since the economic dump.

Sometimes, you get so far thrown into the chaos of reality, that buying property would give you so much benefit. In fact it did and kinda still does, but that’s not the point.

Since the economic failures we’ve all experienced, sometimes it’s the best route to take. To walk away from the madness and reevaluate. Many banks are able to help and sometimes not much. Those caught in the middle, hang on tight.

If you’re not sure, here’s something to consider. 

Read the link below, this is the latest on FHA Loans


Netbook vs. iPad — You Decide…… April 14, 2010

Posted by n2ition0709 in Uncategorized.
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If you’re considering spending that $500+ on an iPad, make sure to do your research first.  Is it worth it?  Especially in this economy?

Don’t get caught with your pants down, do your homework and decide what you will be using it for?  Are the applications going to work for your needs, etc??

Check-out the link below:
